Candoo Security provides exceptional service and installation on all types of doors in today’s industry.
Our wide range of door products allow for a diverse set of applications and meet all custom requirements.
Professional installers have the ability to tackle any job, including installing frames into drywall, existing block or even building a new block wall.

Glass Aluminum Storefront Doors
Whether you need single or double doors we can deliver what you need.
We can also make your door(s) more secure with ourWindow Bars and Film or Folding Gates
We can also replace failing pivots with more reliable and longer lasting continous geared hinges

Fire Exit Man Door
Ensure your fire exits conform to the latest specifications.
We offer expertise and specialty door products to fit applications that comform to fire safety regulations.

Single Man-Door
We offer a wide assortment of standard single man-door applications.

Crash Doors
Traffic Doors are designed to withstand the abuse associated with high volume industrial and retail applications.
Their construction allows for easy pass through by personnel and vehicles. These doors can be used in a wide variety of door way openings.

Galvanized Double Man-Door
Candoo Security sells, services and installs a wide range of Hollow Metal Doors, Galvanized Doors, Fire Rated Wood Doors and Welded or Knock Down Frames.

Strip Curtain
Strip Doors and Partitions are a cost effective way to save energy, promote safety and minimize drafts through all types of doorways.
Made from high quality vinyl material these strip doors can be custom designed to your application./